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Have you ever thought you were on a long detour only to discover that it was all a part of preparing you for something meaningful later on?  There have been times in my life I have wondered, "what the heck am I doing this for?"  Then, years later I see that I needed that skill, or experience, for something God was preparing me to do.

We have choices in those situations;  

  • To express frustration
  • To become discouraged
  • To let bitterness take root
  • To seek God's presence
  • To trust
  • To pray
  • To persevere

Can you think of anything in your life that was preparing you for the future?  Sometimes endurance is what is needed.  We are so used to quick fixes and solutions.  Shoot, you can microwave meals in 5 minutes, go to a drive-through for lunch, pick up ready made pizza.  We sometimes forget that life's lessons don't come that way.  

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other." Romans 15:5

May God bless you on your journey.  



by Gretchen Flores