Some years ago I noticed a higher number of cancellations due to the flu than other seasons. This year the Coronavirus is putting fear in many hearts. People are stockpiling toilet paper and essentials to have around the house and some offices are preparing to have their employees work from home. Vacation plans are being canceled as fear rises like the tide. Around 7 years ago I started on a quest for natural health and have learned a lot on the way. I also very rarely get sick and if I do feel “under the weather” I have mild symptoms for a day or so. In the past, I would get very sick for weeks on end. So far since we changed our habits, my family has been able to enjoy flu-free winters for several seasons now. Here are some ideas on how to combat the flu/viruses from my personal health quest. This is not medical advice, you are free to accept or reject any ideas that you see in this blog post.
Essential Oils- Many essential oils have anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Put them in a diffuser and breathe in the mist. It's best if you purchase your oils through a quality brand because oils that say they are 100 % pure often still have fillers or impurities. Eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, Thieves blend (YoungLiving Oils), clove oil, and oil of oregano are all good oils to diffuse for flu season. Some oils are considered "hot" oils so try not to touch your eyes.
Garlic- Garlic is known to have natural antibiotic properties. It is important to use freshly chopped garlic not just powdered garlic. Some of the medicinal properties, such as allicin, stay active for only a short time after being chopped. Use it in your recipes at home. One easy way to quickly get chopped garlic into your system is to chop part of a clove, place the chopped parts onto a spoon, cover with honey and lick the honey off of the spoon. Swallow the freshly cut garlic without chewing so that you don't get "garlic breath." A little bit of honey helps the garlic go down!
Vitamin C- Most of us use vitamin C to recover when sick. I think it is important to take it as a daily supplement to keep your immune system strong all year, especially during flu season. Don't wait until you are sick to load up on vitamin C, take it as a daily supplement so you are less susceptible to getting sick in the first place.
The "Flu Shot" recipe- There are many variations of this recipe online. Our favorite recipe uses pineapple juice. Mix 3 or 4 cups of organic pineapple juice with the juice of 2 lemons and 1 orange, add 1 to 4 garlic cloves chopped (depending on how much you can handle), 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper, 1 to 2 tsp turmeric, 1 to 2 tsp ginger, and a tablespoon of honey. Of course, you can play around with the recipe to suit your preferences. The pineapple juice helps it to taste sweet although it doesn't taste amazing because it's meant to support your body when sick. The garlic adds the most potent antibiotic properties so I suggest you keep that in there even if it has a strong flavor. Drink it in small portions throughout the day until you feel better.
Good sleep- Often we get sick when we are worn down. Our fast-paced lifestyles keep us in an exhausted state much of the time. Our immune system can be doing its job while you sleep which is why it is important to rest a lot when you are sick, or are starting to feel sick. If you start to feel more sleepy than usual your body might be telling you it needs to fight off an oncoming illness. So go ahead and take a nap!
Elderberry Extract- Elderberries have been researched, and have shown positive results that they boost immunity. You can buy Elderberry syrup at your local grocery store in the natural supplements section. If you can't find it in your store or natural grocers, then it is very easy to order online, or you can make it at home. The other good thing about this remedy is that it does not have the toxic side effects of over the counter drugs and it has shown an ability to help you fight illness. I wish I had known this when my kids were younger! You can also get elderberry gummies or dried berries that can be steeped in hot water for a tea.
Vitamin D- This vitamin is also a powerful source of immune support. Add this to your daily vitamin regimen during the winter months when most of us are inside and out of the sun. Always research your vitamins for bioavailability and purity. Synthetic supplements rarely have the same benefits as the real ones.
Echinacea tea- This herb has been shown to support the immune system and possibly shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms. Echinacea is a supplement that you can enjoy as a hot tea even when you are not sick. It can be warming and comforting to sip hot tea to support your immune system. Echinacea tea can irritate an ulcer or a sensitive esophagus so don't drink too much in one day. Use raw honey instead of sugar to sweeten it. Try also Gypsy Cold Care tea.
Probiotics- In my health research, I have learned that a large portion of your immune system resides in your gut. There are many things that can destroy the healthy gut bacteria balance that keeps your body strong. Antibiotics destroy both the bad and good bacteria in your gut which can help you get over whatever ails you at the moment. However, it then leaves you vulnerable to illness again later since you lost a lot of the "good guys." Replenish the good guys with a multi-strain probiotic supplement from your health food store.
Zinc- This is an important mineral that supports many of the body's systems including the immune system. Many of us don't get the nutrients we need from the food we eat, so a good supplement can help. If you get a zinc lozenge, avoid ones that are high in sugar.
Lemon water and ginger- Slice some lemons with the peel on (preferably organic) and grate some fresh ginger into a pan and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then drain and drink as a hot tea. Both the lemon and the ginger have anti-inflammatory qualities. Lemon has vitamin C and other benefits. It also helps to balance your body’s pH level. If your body’s pH level isn’t balanced you are more susceptible to getting sick. Sugar and processed foods can make your pH level acidic.
Colloidal Silver- Colloidal silver has antibacterial and anti-viral properties. You can buy it as a throat spray or in a dropper. It can help your body fight infection. You need to be sure that you are purchasing a high quality tested product as there are imitation or cheap products also available.
Oregano Oil- This supplement has anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties. You can buy capsules at the health food store. Take it with food since it can be a “hot” oil that you can feel in your esophagus or stomach if you don’t take it with food.
Things to avoid:
Avoid Running yourself ragged with busy work. If you start to feel sick, rest. Cancel things that you had on your schedule so you aren't as stressed. Let the dishes sit in the sink for an extra day so your body can do its work. Take a nap! Your body’s health is more important than being perfectly on top of everything.
Avoid Processed foods have no nutritional value and may even wear down your system. Your body can’t use it.
Avoid sugar that doesn't come from fruits and vegetables. Sugar can suppress your immune system and work against you if you are trying to get well. If you are going to buy throat lozenges, try to find ones that have less sugar or are sweetened with honey.
Avoid too much medicine. If you need some medicine, try not to overdo it. Many medicines are hard on your body. If you support your immune system well it will do its job for you.
Avoid guilt for taking care of yourself (or your kiddos)! You are worth it!
Consider avoiding the flu shot. It's always your choice on this but our personal experience that we don't get sick when we don't get the flu shot. As of this year (2019), it has been 7 years since we have gotten the flu shot, and subsequently, it has also been 7 years since any of us have gotten the flu. Again, it's your choice. We prefer to let nature’s remedies do their job which they seem to do really well when you use them regularly.
To your health this upcoming season! Stay strong a vibrant! *This is the personal opinion of the writer and not medical advice. You decide if you want to consider any of these options for yourself.