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Overflowing Blessings (excerpt from The Journey Out)

In light of the earthquake in Haiti I thought I would blog on the topic of giving. So many of you have already given and will continue to give. Prayer support is also essential to pray for those on the ground helping the wounded and homeless there. Here is an excerpt from my book The Journey Out:

"When we have our hearts on heaven, we yearn to give to others. We feel blessed and full and taken care of, and it overflows into taking care of others in need. We don't feel competitive or afraid. In our security we are able to give to the poor as God commands us, knowing that we don't need to be afraid that we won't have what we need."But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be done in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you" (Matt. 6:3-4). The Lord rewards us when we give privately, not openly for others to see. (page 162, The Journey Out)

I am pretty certain that most of you have given out of the goodness of your hearts. The truth is that even though the economy is tight, we are all better off than those suffering in Haiti right now. Giving small amounts can go a long way, and can bless a lot of people with medical care and supplies. Please continue to give and to pray for those who are suffering. We know that God will reward us for giving privately. You may not see that reward until you are in heaven. However, I have heard stories of God's miraculous provision for us when we choose to give to those in need. I have even experienced it. If you are holding back out of fear of your own finances, take a chance and give privately. I assure you God will make sure your needs are also taken care of.

Two trusted ways to give to Haiti or other places in need:


by Gretchen Flores