Life has thrown us all some unexpected turns recently with the rise of COVID-19. The question to ask yourself is how do you stay within your emotional window of tolerance? When you are in your window of tolerance you feel secure or safe. You feel that you can handle your emotions as they surface, and you can find your sense of direction. Your responses are congruent with the situation at hand and you feel open, curious, and present. Feelings of empathy remain intact and you are able to maintain healthy boundaries. However, a stressful event can lead to movement out of your window of tolerance.
Is it Just Worry or Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
In today's world we have a lot to be worried about; job loss, bill payments, rising grocery costs, keeping our children safe, and keeping up with everything on our plates all while maintaining a smile in public. Some of us are chronic worriers and some not. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a condition of chronic worry. It occurs when our worries never seem to subside. An ongoing wave of anxious thoughts and behaviors invade our lives daily and we may struggle to let go of them. My counseling intern, Jill Oulman, Unlicensed Psychotherapist, who will be completing her counseling degree in the next few months, wrote a few thoughts on Generalized Anxiety. I thought that I would share them with you.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
By Jill Oulman
It can be easy to confuse Anxiety for Depression. Both affect one’s ability to concentrate, both affect mood, often both anxiety and depression affect sleep, and with both disorders one can appear agitated or restless. Because anxiety is a part of natural human existence, it can be something many individuals brush off as normal. When it begins to affect their daily lives, they assume it must be something more severe than anxiety. Many people assume they are depressed and seek help because they cannot deal with their feelings of hopelessness.
By properly assessing the condition as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the therapist can work to teach the client tools to reduce anxiety and feel in control again. Human beings are programmed with a fight-or-flight mechanism. In an individual with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, that mechanism can be faulty and the body is not able to restore itself to a decreased state of adrenaline once that mechanism has been activated. Often the feelings of anxiety are automatic and not controlled by the client. Using relaxation techniques can be an effective management tool for the client to restore order to their day.
When patients can be taught techniques to help themselves, it brings the focus of control from external to internal. That may be the most important skill as often patients feel as though the source of their anxiety is beyond their control. This lack of control is what worries them the most. Enabling clients to have control over their treatment can be a first step in healing. The therapist can allow the client to focus on controlling their environment instead of the other way around.
Many individuals live with anxiety but it can be
The Worry Box
Worry is a constant struggle for many of us. Sometimes our mind will latch onto a concern and not let go. It's as if worrying will somehow solve the problem. If we obsess, we reason, we will figure out a way to solve the problem eventually.
Worry is often linked to feeling out of control of something. It is a fear that something "horrible" will happen and we will have no control to stop it. I often call it living in "what if land." We ponder; "What if I lose my job," "what if my son gets in a car accident," "What if the dog throws up on the carpet," "What if I don't like my new job."
Many worriers have trouble falling asleep. It can take an experienced worrier hours to fall asleep sometimes. Often, a worrier will be awakened at 3 am stare at the clock helplessly while the redundant list of worries cycle through; 3:00 am, 3:15 am, 3:45 am, 4:30 am. Sometimes even though we know worry doesn't help anything we still do it. It just is a hard habit to stop.
A well known sleep specialist described the worry box as a method to combat nighttime obsessions. I have been pleasantly surprised by
The Different Types of Anxiety
Anxiety comes in several different forms. If you suffer from anxiety you may know that you are anxious, but lack the discernment to know what type of anxiety you have. Treatment of anxiety involves first diagnosing your anxiety type, and then treating it specifically.
Here is a list of various clinical anxiety disorders:
- Panic Disorder- A Panic Disorder sufferer will have intense episodes of panic that come on suddenly often without apparent cause or warning. The individual may experience a racing heartbeat, sweating, shaking, chest pain, shortness of breath, and a variety of other panic symptoms.
- Agoraphobia- Primarily understood as a fear of open spaces, it is often more related to a fear of having a panic attack in a location that would be difficult escape from for relief. Commonly the fears are brought on by crowded places such as grocery stores, subways, airplanes, or other similar locations.
- Social Phobia- This anxiety disorder involves an intense fear of social situations. It can involve any situation in which embarrassment or humiliation is feared.
- Specific Phobia- This phobia typically brings about avoidance of specific things or situations. The thing or situation is stagnant in that it doesn’t tend to change. For example, someone may have an intense fear of dogs but not fear other small animals.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder- This type of anxiety is much less specific than other types of anxiety. Often the individual feels a chronic sense of anxiety over life circumstances that are stressful, such as finances. The symptoms are ongoing and last for 6 months or longer.
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder- While tidiness is often an admirable trait; individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder take it to an extreme. They will become preoccupied by obsessive thoughts that lead to obsessive actions. An example would be someone who cleans the kitchen sink 5 – 10 times during each day. If the person were prevented from following through on their task, obsessive thoughts about the ritual of sink washing would then cause debilitating anxiety.
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder- Disabling symptoms often develop for a person who experiences a traumatic event. A variety of acute anxiety symptoms surface surrounding memories of the event. Veterans of war, rape victims, and victims of severe catastrophic events can suffer from this disorder.
- Acute Stress Disorder- This disorder is similar to Post Traumatic Stress although the symptoms subside within a month of the event.
- Anxiety Disorder due to a General Medical Condition- There are a large number of medical disorders that can cause anxiety symptoms. Some examples are hyper- and hypothyroidism, a vitamin B-12 deficiency, or encephalitis. It is good medical practice to test for thyroid conditions when addressing anxiety symptoms.
- Substance–Induced Anxiety Disorder- A number of ingestible substances can trigger anxiety. Some common stimulants such as caffeine, ginseng, decongestants, or diet pills can trigger symptoms of anxiety. On of the first questions that should be asked when addressing anxiety is what substances are being used and when did the symptoms begin?
In order to treat your anxiety with impact and efficacy you must first define which type you are affected by. Once you are aware of your specific set of symptoms you can begin to treat the anxiety disorder. Any of the above listed anxiety disorders can range in severity from mild to severe.
In upcoming blog posts I will discuss individual anxiety disorders under a closer lens and discuss methods for combating and treating the anxiety. Stay tuned for more.
Blessings, Gretchen