Life has thrown us all some unexpected turns recently with the rise of COVID-19. The question to ask yourself is how do you stay within your emotional window of tolerance? When you are in your window of tolerance you feel secure or safe. You feel that you can handle your emotions as they surface, and you can find your sense of direction. Your responses are congruent with the situation at hand and you feel open, curious, and present. Feelings of empathy remain intact and you are able to maintain healthy boundaries. However, a stressful event can lead to movement out of your window of tolerance.
Self-care Habits to Remember
Resolutions are common in January. So many of us want to start out the new year with resolve to do things better. When it comes to resolutions, make your own self-care important and a part of your daily life. You don't have to do it all at once, but make sure you are doing something on a regular basis to prioritize your health and well being. Here are some ideas to start with:
- Don’t feel guilty when you take time to take care of yourself, and remember that your needs matter too.
Play Therapy for Grown Ups
“Mom push me!” my daughter begged me and looked at me with playful eyes. I reluctantly sidled over to help her out because I know she doesn’t really need me to push her anymore. I gave her a few good shoves to propel her up to a satisfactory height. Observing her delight, I thought, “Why let her have all the fun?” and glanced over at the empty swing next to her.
I Resolve NOT to Resolve
To resolve or not to resolve...that is the question.
There are a bazillion different things we all could resolve to do or not do in 2011. There is the classic resolve to lose weight and exercise more. However, as I contemplate my potential resolutions I recognize that unfortunately, that one is always on my list anyway. I infrequently make much of a dent in it. I exercise in spurts and eat better in stages. I could also resolve to be more disciplined, but that again is always something I’m more worried about then actually implementing. It's a kind of constant struggle.
How about resolving to get more organized? Again, that one is a challenge that always stays on my plate. I used to be able to multi-task like a champion weight lifter adds weights to his bar and stands victoriously while others watch in awe. Now, I struggle to stay focused on one task at a time before I have forgotten what I set out to do, and then am off onto another random task (maybe I should review the symptoms of adult ADD because I seem to have all of them).
How about resolving to learn more, or read more, or focus on more honorable goals. Maybe I should set out to be better at something specific. Are you trying to be better at something? Are you trying to be more disciplined? Do you hope to lose those 20 pounds? (I think I have lost the same set of pounds over and over).
Resolve to do less:
Here's the twist. Having been an over achiever before...and, as a result, I desire to resolve to do less. To be less productive in some areas so I can be more focused on others. I assume you too work hard and you feel pretty overwhelmed with life much of the time. I assume that means that adding a lot of